Benjamin Hawkins, (L.S.)
And'w Pickens, (L.S.)
Jos. Martin, (L.S.)
Lach'n McIntosh, (L.S.)
Koatohee, or Corn Tassel of Toquo, his x mark, (L.S.) (Toqua/o [Chickamaugan])
Scholauetta, or Hanging Man of Chota, his x mark, (L.S.)
Tuskegatahu, or Long Fellow of Chistohoe, his x mark, (L.S.)
Ooskwha, or Abraham of Chilkowa, his x mark, (L.S.)
Kolakusta, or Prince of Noth, his x mark, (L.S.)
Newota, or the Gritzs of Chicamaga, his x mark, (L.S.) (Chickamauga [Chickamaugan])
Konatota, or the Rising Fawn of Highwassay, his x mark, (L.S.)
Tuckasee, or Young Terrapin of Allajoy, his x mark, (L.S.)
Toostaka, or the Waker of Oostanawa, his x mark, (L.S.)
Untoola, or Gun Rod of Seteco, his x mark, (L.S.) (Citico [Chickamaugan])
Unsuokanail, Buffalo White Calf New Cussee, his x mark, (L.S.)
Kostayeak, or Sharp Fellow Wataga, his x mark, (L.S.)
Chonosta, of Cowe, his x mark, (L.S.)
Chescoonwho, Bird in Close of Tomotlug, his x mark, (L.S.)
Tuckasee, or Terrapin of Hightowa, his x mark, (L.S.)
Chesetoa, or the Rabbit of Tlacoa, his x mark, (L.S.)
Chesecotetona, or Yellow Bird of the Pine Log, his x mark, (L.S.)
Sketaloska, Second Man of Tillico, his x mark, (L.S.)
Chokasatahe, Chickasaw Killer Tasonta, his x mark, (L.S.)
Onanoota, of Koosoate, his x mark, (L.S.)
Ookoseta, or Sower Mush of Kooloque, his x mark, (L.S.)
Umatooetha, the Water Hunter Choikamawga, his x mark, (L.S.) (Chickamauga [Chickamaugan])
Wyuka, of Lookout Mountain, his x mark, (L.S.) (Lookout Mountain [Chickamaugan])
Tulco, or Tom of Chatuga, his x mark, (L.S.)
Will, of Akoha, his x mark, (L.S.)
Necatee, of Sawta, his x mark, (L.S.) (Sawtee [Chickamaugan])
Amokontakona, Kutcloa, his x mark, (L.S.)
Kowetatahee, in Frog Town, his x mark, (L.S.)
Keukuck, Talcoa, his x mark, (L.S.)
Tulatiska, of Chaway, his x mark, (L.S.)
Wooaluka, the Waylayer, Chota, his x mark, (L.S.)
Tatliusta, or Porpoise of Tilassi, his x mark, (L.S.)
John, of Little Tallico, his x mark, (L.S.)
Skelelak, his x mark, (L.S.)
Akonoluchta, the Cabin, his x mark, (L.S.)
Cheanoka, of Kawetakac, his x mark, (L.S.)
Yellow Bird, his x mark, (L.S.)